Modular Abstract Pattern



Collective storytelling.

Powerful Creativity.

Escape for a little while with us...

Close your eyes and go somewhere else.

Let go of the mundanity of life, and focus on the serene.

Allow your mind to slip into another world, another place, that only you can go to.

Listen to the world you are now in, the words spoken to you and around you.

Process what you can discern, ponder over your observations, and extrapolate

what the world is like with merely your imagination.

Tech Pattern Dotted Pattern Circular

Remain rooted in reality, but let immersion wash over you. Go someplace else.

Come back different.

- Colin Kelly-Rodriguez

Founder, Sound Escape Productions

Tech Pattern Dotted Pattern Circular

We Offer a Space for Podcasters and Storytellers to be ​Independent Together, Without Sacrificing Creative Control

It is hard to be an independent storyteller. Our goal is to form a collective of ​independent productions guided by a framework and a community of skilled ​individuals who they can rely on for knowledge and resources. We love helping ​people, and we like working with each other.