Someone Dies In This Elevator Casting Call

Title: Someone Dies In This Elevator

Project Type: Anthology Fiction Podcast

Union/Non-Union: Non-Union

Length: 11 Episodes in Season 1

Recording Period: Oct 1 – Dec 1, 2020

Recording Location: Remote Only, with a synchronous table read or recording.

Compensation: Based on a calculated percentage of funds raised. Will not be unpaid.

Audition Deadline: September 20, 2020

Audition Instructions:

  • Please record on the setup you intend to use if cast. Your setup is part of your audition.
    • We are looking for reasonable quality, including no echo, compression, or background noise.
  • Slate your name and the character you’re recording for at the beginning of your audition.
    • If auditioning for multiple characters, save the recordings as different files.
    • Do not audition for more than 5 characters.
    • Do not do more than 2 takes of each line.
  • Save your file(s) as [Character Name] – [Your Name].mp3
  • Submit files via this google form
  • If you have questions, direct them to
    • Do not send auditions to this email, they will be ignored.
  • For sides with a conversation, provide your half of this conversation with a pause for a response from the other side. If you are auditioning for both characters in the conversation, send two separate sides, not one conversation.
  • Many roles are restricted for VAs of certain groups. If you aren’t a member of that group, do not audition. There are plenty of characters you can audition for instead.
  • Some characters are written without a specific gender, while others have set pronouns. We invite transgender, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming individuals to audition for any character they would feel comfortable playing.
  • Every episode in this show contains death, and many contain tense or traumatic situations where the death occurs. This is not usually a happy show –  please keep this in mind when auditioning.

List of Roles:

Ralie – Open casting for nonwhite & trans/nonbinary VAs.

Athena – Open casting for nonwhite & trans/nonbinary VAs.

Waverly  – Open casting for all disabled VAs, preference for a VA who is a wheelchair user. 

Shannon – Open casting for all disabled VAs, preference for a VA who is a wheelchair user.

Ezekiel – He/Him. This role is only open to LGBTQA+ VAs.

Mae – She/Her. Open casting.

Idalia – She/Her. This role is only open to Lantinx VAs.

Jordan – They/Them. This role is only open to nonbinary VAs.

Winston – Open casting, preference given to an older VA.

Eleanor – She/Her. Open casting.

Bill – He/Him. Open casting.

Maryanne – She/Her. In her early 20s. Open casting.

Tommy –  He/Him. The role is only open to transmasculine VAs.

Marge – She/Her. In her 30s or 40s. Open casting.

Cop – He/Him. Open casting.

Archie – He/Him. This role is only open to LGBTQA+ VAs.

Philip – He/Him. This role is only open to LGBTQA+ VAs.

Elkan – Open casting.

Gedeon – Open casting.

James – He/Him. In his 30s. This role is only open to LGBTQA+ VAs.

Xavi – He/Him. In his 30s. This role is only open to Lantinx & LGBTQA+ VAs.

Lao – Open casting.

Jad – Open casting.

Pri – Open casting.


This role is only open for nonwhite AND trans/nonbinary VAs. Terminally optimistic. 59 lines.

  • What? First you don’t want to talk, then you do. I haven’t seen you in three weeks. God forbid I miss you when you’re gone. God forbid I want to spend time with you and hear about your amazing elite space vacation.
  • You got me a goddamn suncatcher, Athena. You got your partner of six- excuse me, four years, a sparkly thing to be displayed in the window. We don’t even have any natural lighting in our apartment for this thing to work. 
  • What do I want? (struggling to find the words) Athena, I want you to want to be with me. I want you to love me. At the very least, I want you to stop cheating on me. 


This role is only open for nonwhite AND trans/nonbinary VAs. A charismatic liar. 52 lines. 

  • Or how pretty you would look under the lights. In that cute little red dress, I got you last year. With a nice bottle of Proximan wine. Hmmmm? What do you think, Ralls?
  • Ralie, I don’t want to watch a movie. I’ve been on a space shuttle for like two days. I just want to get out of this elevator, take a hot shower, and go to bed. 
  • (sighs, irritated) Ralie. Don’t shut down like you always do. Come on. 


Preference for a VA who is a wheelchair user, but this role is open casting for all disabled VAs. A cheerful, outgoing person that uses a powered wheelchair.  Looking for a warm, light-hearted voice. 48 lines.

  • [Responding to “I’d rather take my chances on the window.”] Way less likely to get injured that way, honestly. And hey, maybe we’d get lucky and some kid is having a birthday party outside and has like, a jumping castle we can land on, or something. 
  • [Frustrated sigh] We’re both wheelchair users! I can walk a little bit, but I’m definitely not up to climbing anything!
  • [sadly] We both know how things are. No one makes emergency plans for people like us. We’d rather take a chance on a jumping castle, remember? 


Preference for a VA who is a wheelchair user, but this role is open casting for all disabled VAs. A quiet, thoughtful person that uses a manual wheelchair. Looking for a cool, slightly nervous voice. 48 lines.

  • [Responding to “Nice wheels”] Oh, thanks! It’s new actually, I’ve only had it for about six months. My funding finally came through, so I got to say goodbye to the off the-rack chair and get one that, you know, actually suits my body properly! 
  • [Quietly] I don’t want to die. [pause] Do you think it will hurt?
  • I’m sorry you’re here. But… I’m glad I’m not alone. 


This character uses he/him pronouns. This role is only open to LGBTQA+ VAs. Three time winner of a cable TV quiz show and a little too proud of it. 84 lines.

  • It’s only the greatest game show on cable television. Ezekiel Williams? I won it three times.
  • [crying] Why does everyone hate me? [Lets out an exaggerated wail.]
  • Hey, in case we don’t see each other again . . . thanks. Like, I know it’s your job, but I feel like you really get me. I’m going to miss you.


This character uses she/her pronouns. Open casting. An artificial intelligence designed to calm and encourage Ezekiel through his various dates. 51 lines.

  • [Kindly] It’s a date not an interrogation. There’s a balance to this whole thing. A give and take.
  • Look, I know what it’s like to wear multiple faces. And that’ll get you by for a while, but not in any  meaningful way. It’s okay to be afraid sometimes, vulnerable. (beat) Why did you sign up for this?
  • [Answering “Will it hurt?”] I’m unsure. The termination sequence for the client is designed to be painless. Since this is uncharted territory, I can’t grant you any guarantee.


This character uses she/her pronouns. This role is only open to Lantinx VAs. A veterinarian that gets overwhelmed easily. 4 lines.

  • [Introducing self] Uh, hi, Idalia . . . Why are you looking at me like that?
  • Cool! You must be pretty smart to–


This role is only open to nonbinary VAs. A genuine and optimistic person who was convinced by their friends to give this dating service a shot and is enjoying their date. 6 lines.

  • I wasn’t sure what to think about this whole thing at first, but I’m starting to feel really good about this. I know they told us not to talk about it, but which date is this for you, if you don’t mind me asking?
  • This is so weird for me. I’ve always thought I need to start by being friends first, you know?


Open casting, preference given to an older VA. A somewhat too relaxed member of an Architecture Firm Board. A very empathic and upbeat individual. 50 lines.

  • [heavily concerned, hushed tones] Oh, no! Not again! Jordan don’t make me do this with you…
  • [Answering “What if I screw up?”] Then you lose it. That’s all. You won’t cause a financial crisis. You won’t hold up a little old lady for her social security checks, you won’t hurt anyone, Jordan.
  • Well, Jordan, a long long time ago there was a rather cantankerous man on the board named James Esserman who had a very strict set of rules regarding how colors could match and all. If you dared to put any sort of plants into an interior space he would launch into a long tirade about how green is an exterior color and had no place inside.


This character uses she/her pronouns. Open casting. A well-off, rather pretentious woman, middle-aged but clinging to youth. 16 lines.

  • [In response to “Mother, he is DEAD”] Yes, and it’s very inconvenient. Is there still room for all of us in here? 
  • Oh, shush, Maryanne, you didn’t even know him.


This character uses he/him pronouns. Open casting. Eleanor’s much-harried husband, probably decent at heart. 11 lines.

  • What is it the chap generally does to make the elevator… you know.
  • I feel odd not tipping him. 


This character uses she/her pronouns. In her early 20s. Open casting. Bill and Eleanor’s daughter, more sensible than either of them. 10 lines.

  • Oh my god! Mother, this man is… I think this man is dead? 
  • You are bloodless and I can’t believe I’m related to you.


This character uses he/him pronouns. The role is only open to transmasculine VAs. A younger man, the desk clerk. 28 lines.

  • The fellow they got in to cover for you – I don’t think he’d ever even seen an elevator. (They chuckle)
  • What, do you think I stabbed him with this letter opener? What is this, Agatha Christie? 
  • [crying] Oh, Frank. I never told you – I’m so sorry I never said – 


This character uses she/her pronouns. In her 30s or 40s. Open casting. Hard-bitten, working housekeeping; she definitely steals from the guests. 10 lines.

  • What, you were holding your last tip when the end of days caught up with you? Or is it that one of these assholes didn’t notice you were among the dearly departed? 
  • I’ll just send you on down to the lobby for Tommy to find, that’ll take care of that. You understand, right? I can’t get caught up in an investigation. [pause] See you in the next life, buddy.


This character uses he/him pronouns. Open casting. Trying to get the credit for busting up a den of iniquity; perhaps desperate to save his job. 18 lines.

  • You know. Women dressing as men, getting up to all kinds of trouble – between us, the Chief’s daughter’s no better than she should be, and he’s got a bee in his bonnet about it. But we got reports. I hope there’s nothing to it – this has always seemed like a fine upstanding establishment – I’m sure you don’t have any of those people here. 
  • I don’t believe for a moment you’re shocked. I’ve heard about places like this, where decent people’s lives are worth less than nothing. 


This character uses he/him pronouns. This role is only open to LGBTQA+ VAs. A young man, well-off, already drunk, goes to Yale where he’s on the rowing team. 13 lines.

  • ARCHIE: If I had to hazard a guess, Philip, I would say that this elevator is lacking something.
    PHILIP: The fellow who greets us and pulls the lever –
    ARCHIE: -well, old boy, he seems to be late.
    PHILIP: Very late indeed. Well, at least the door is open.


This character uses he/him pronouns. This role is only open to LGBTQA+ VAs. A young man, well-off, already drunk, goes to Harvard. His friendship with Archie is therefore scandalous on its face. 15 lines.

  • ARCHIE: If I had to hazard a guess, Philip, I would say that this elevator is lacking something.
    PHILIP: The fellow who greets us and pulls the lever –
    ARCHIE: -well, old boy, he seems to be late.
    PHILIP: Very late indeed. Well, at least the door is open.


Open casting. More service than security, Elkan has gotten used to their days going from bad to worse, but has a corporately-mandated smile. 55 lines.

  • It’s boringly bureaucratic but I hope our customer service makes up for it. That panel hides a mini-fridge, could I get you a beverage while we wait? Are you sure? It’s going to be awhil-ah, then would you mind if I?
  • GEDEON (Grunts) The, uh, clasp comes undone if I flex too much.
    ELKAN: Allow me… oh dear. This is a fake.
    GEDEON: Fake? I shouldn’t be surprised, yet…
    ELKAN: The logo on the clock faces to the left. Similar materials… guessing the factory sold their defective units at a discount.


Open casting. An experienced lawyer, prone to thinking about language to remain calm under pressure. 54 lines.

  • Two sides of the same coin, aren’t they? Fraud preys on those weak enough to be fooled, and burglars exploit weaknesses in security.
  • GEDEON: (Grunts) The, uh, clasp comes undone if I flex too much.
    ELKAN: Allow me… oh dear. This is a fake.
    GEDEON: Fake? I shouldn’t be surprised, yet…
    ELKAN: The logo on the clock faces to the left. Similar materials… guessing the factory sold their defective units at a discount.


This character uses he/him pronouns. In his 30s. This role is only open to LGBTQA+ VAs. Anxious but hides it well, likes to be in control and over-prepares for anything. Also, afraid of heights. 56 lines.

  • [Starts off as awe, changes to fear and shock] Oh- wowowow no-no-no-NO! What the- The walls, the walls! Xavi where are the fucking walls!
  • [Said to his boyfried; he’s angry but still loves him] How- fucking dare you, don’t ever take a risk like that again or I will end you.
  • You’re stubborn and proud and completely paradoxical and I could never figure you out but when I stopped attempting to…I saw how hard you were trying. Every step of the way you strove to become you, completely and entirely you. 


This character uses he/him pronouns. In his 30s. This role is only open to Lantinx AND LGBTQA+ VAs. Reckless and arrogant, but with the skills and knowledge to back it up, oddly optimistic for someone who always ends up in shit situation. 73 lines.

  • [Naratting] My mind is in pieces but my body knows- My arms remember his, my waist knows his hands and my heart thumps in worry. But he’s breathing. He’s breathing- It’s alright. I can finally exhale- look around- and take it all in.
  • [Narrating] My leg swipes the floor and forces her to step back. I have a split second to get up, a split-second to– I stay low instead. I saw it in the twist of her ankle and the grip on her dagger: she would have struck me down immediately.
  • [Narrating] The dark silhouette gets up, with the ease of the tides, and James closes his eyes, weeping quietly. And all I can say is… [No longer narrating] I’m sorry.
  • I mean there was a chance she had destroyed your mind, yeah. The whiplash from fantasy to reality can be-
  • [Responding to “Don’t ever take a risk like that again or I will end you.”] And I love you too.


Open casting. Lao is driven by curiosity and needs to find answers. They desire to right past mistakes and bring healing and closure to Jad. 38 lines.

  • [Calling out to someone they can’t see] Hello? My name’s Lao, this is my friend Jad. We’re explorers from the Ovalek Dominion of Realms. We mean no harm.
  • [Concerned] You don’t look like yourself, Pri.


Open casting. Jad is a puzzle solver driven by a passion to explore. They seek closure from their beloved Pri’s death. 54 lines.

  • It’s a tumbler. Drop the ball, land it in the viper’s fangs to score and open. This is gonna take a while.
  • They sealed the realm after your accident. I had no way of knowing… they said you fell down the rock shaft– I thought I lost you forever. What happened to you?
  • [Emotional] I thought you were dead!


Open casting. Physically restored to the mortal realm, Pri is corrupted and inhuman. 31 lines.

  • [Responding to “I thought you were dead!”] I was. I died right there where you’re standing. Then the vault found me. It gave me new life.
  • Empires weren’t built on the backs of dissent, they were born with vision, and purpose, and I will NO LONGER BE CONFINED TO A CAVE!